
Showing posts from 2009

Project | 2007.06 | Dinamic Field Control System

Project | 2009.11 | Commemorative park of the National Constitution -Sta.Fe, Argentina-

Project | 2009.04 | Private Destination Health Spa -Tripoli, Lybia-

Project | 2009.01 | From Ornament to Organization

Project | 2006.11 | Map

Project | 2004.06 | Canodromo-CONOdromo

Project | 2009.03 | Pattern Regime

Project | 2008.04 | InfoFIELD

Project | 2005.03 | Performative Ground_La Chanca del Conil

Project | 2005.09 | Guadalquivir Regimes

Project | 2004.04 | Sedimentary Regimes

Project | 2002.09 | Colonizing Water