World Cup Brands Field Research Infographic

It is not about teams
It is not about continent confederations
It is not about countries
It is all about Brands

The 2010 Football World Cup was a tournament in between just 8 competitors.
The cup was not the aim of these competitors.
The aim was $

1.     Translate all the country teams to the 8 REAL TEAMS. (Adidas >12 teams / Nike > 9 teams / Puma > 6 teams / Brooks > 1 team / Joma > 1 team / Le Coq Sportif > 1 team / Legea > 1 team / Umbro > 1 team.
2.     Evaluate the evolution of each of the 8 teams during the tournament.
3.     Interfere the evaluation according to the incorporation of data statistics (First data demo statistic > Fouls / Second demo statistic > Goals / Third demo statistic > Passes / work in process -$ budget / $ earned-)
